Drug Safety Evaluation Services

Drug Safety Evaluation Services

Preclinical evaluation for innovative drugs plays an essential role in predicting potential drug toxicity before they are first applied to humans. Our company provides leading-edge drug preclinical safety evaluation services and essential platforms to help you get ahead of the curve in the therapeutics development for autoimmune diseases & inflammation.

Overview of Drug Safety Evaluation

Drug safety evaluation is a crucial part of the new drug development process. Non-clinical drug safety evaluation involves the study of systemic and local toxicity of drugs, which can provide experimental basis for the safety of new drugs. The purposes of drug safety evaluation include:

  • To find the range of drug doses that produce toxic reaction.
  • To find toxic responses to drugs in animals.
  • To find the target organ of toxic reactions.
  • To judge the degree of reversibility of drug toxicity.

Drug Safety Evaluation Services-1Fig.1 Opportunities for carcinogenicity assessment to address the challenges of cancer disease and chemicals (Madia F., et al., 2019)

Common Types of Drug Toxicity Reactions

Generally, toxic reactions of drugs cover a large scope, including drug toxicity, adverse drug reactions, and drug side effects. The following are a few common types of toxic reactions of drugs.

  • Toxic Reaction
    Toxic reactions are harmful reactions to target tissues or target organs of the body when administered in large doses or when an overdose persists in the body. Acute toxic reactions usually damage the circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems, while chronic toxicity usually damages the liver, kidneys, bone marrow and endocrine system.
  • Mutagenesis and Genetic Toxicity
    Mutagenicity and genotoxicity focus on the damage caused by drugs to genetic materials. Some drugs may damage human genetic material and produce mutagenicity, with consequences for the individual using the drug and for future generations.
  • Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity
    Reproductive toxicity focuses on the toxicity of drugs to the reproductive system in people of childbearing age, as well as toxic effects on the nervous or endocrine systems associated with reproduction. Developmental toxicity, on the other hand, refers exclusively to the use of drugs during pregnancy and studies the effects of drugs on the embryo.
  • Carcinogenesis
    Carcinogenicity is a serious toxic reaction of drugs. Some drugs are able to induce tumors in humans during long-term use, thus producing carcinogenic effects. Depending on the mechanism of carcinogenesis, they can be classified as genotoxic carcinogens and non-genotoxic carcinogens.
  • Allergic Reaction
    Allergic reactions are a class of drug-induced immune reactions, also known as hypersensitivity reactions, which are sensitization processes that occur when a non-peptide drug acts as a semi-antigen and binds to proteins in an organism.

Our Services

With the development of molecular biology technology and its wide application in the medical field, it provides more and more choices and possibilities for the development of novel therapies for autoimmune diseases. Our company provides drug safety evaluation services with the support from multidisciplinary experts and utilization of various technological platforms, including but not limited as:

Staffed by experts in novel drug discovery and researchers engaged in pharmacology and toxicology with a solid foundation in preclinical safety evaluation of therapeutic drugs, our company is committed to providing you with professional services in the development of therapeutic drugs for Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation. If you are interested in our services, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  1. Madia, Federica et al. "Carcinogenicity assessment: Addressing the challenges of cancer and chemicals in the environment." Environment international 128 (2019): 417-429.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.